81st & 218th District Court Calendar
You can use our Court Calendar to verify the dates and times of hearings. Jury duty information is found on the General Information page. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 830-769-3750 or via email at coordinator@81-218.txcourts.gov.
For all Atascosa County family law matters and all Atascosa County civil cases with the matter in controversy under $250,000, please request a hearing with the Atascosa County Court at Law , 830-769-4232.
To view a color-coded Court Calendar click on one of the links below:
Calendars are subject to revision!
Calendar Codes
If “NO MORE SETTINGS” shows, the day is unavailable.
County Codes: ATAS=Atascosa; FRIO=Frio; KARN=Karnes; LASA=La Salle; WILS=Wilson
Case Types: CV=Civil; CR=Criminal; JT=Jury Trial; NJ=Non-Jury; GJ=Grand Jury; ARR=Arraignment; JDC=Jury Docket Call (aka Pretrial Conference); DWOP=Dismissal Docket
Judges: D=Judge Jennifer Dillingham; W=Judge Russell Wilson; VJ=Visiting Judge